I love my graphics class

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[ 2003-November-24 12:25 ]

Now, for your viewing pleasure: Bugman! This is cool because I wrote all the software involved in drawing the bug man. I wrote a very basic animation program which draws his body and allows you to manipulate it in real time. Then I used my raytracer to produce the final version. His uglyness and crappy animation is due to my lack of artistic skill, not because my software sucks. I'm afraid that these are big files, because MPEG is more standard and universal than other formats. Not to mention that the only tool I could find for creating animations from a set of bitmaps was MJPEG Tools.

Bug Man - Low Quality MPEG1 [488 kB] - Works with all players
Bug Man - DVD Quality MPEG2 [2 MB] - May not work with all players
OpenGL Bug Man - Low Quality MPEG1 [904 kB] - Works with all players
OpenGL Bug Man - DVD Quality MPEG2 [2.9 MB] - May not work with all players